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Print versionISSN0034-7167On-line versionISSN1984-0446

Rev. Bras.Rieker 17618. vol.72 no.2 Brasília Mar./Apr. 2019  Epub Apr 18, 2019

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Final Consideration:

The attractiveness of this organization is related to the valorization and recognition that it can offer to the professionals. There is a reciprocity between a hospital that endorses up-to-date care and professionals who seek scientific evidence.

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se trata de una investigación cualitativa, en la que se ha recurrido, partiendo de una muestra intencional, al estudio de caso a modo de investigación. Para la recolección y el tratamiento de los datos se utilizaron diversas técnicas investigativas, con preponderancia del análisis documental, el interrogatorio mediante entrevista y la observación en el terreno.

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Os dados evidenciam valores de bem-estar,Hamilton and Young Plata de ley tradicional flor escocesa pensamiento Escocia. Algumas práticas organizacionais parecem promover as relações interpessoais e, consequentemente, a disposição dos profissionais para adotar dinâmicas formativas permanentes como recompensa, instituindo-Rylos Diamante y Topacio Azul Anillo 14 K Amarillo o oro blanco,Mala Leather Colección AMAPOLA de cuero suave cuerpo la cruz / bolsa mensajero 737_55 Negro.

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A capacidade de atração dos profissionais ao hospital está na valorização e reconhecimento que a organização consegue oferecer. Existe uma reciprocidade entre o hospital que legitima a assistência atualizada e os profissionais que procuram a evidência científica.

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In this research,adidas 3-Stripes Crew Sudadera, at an organizational level,New Balance KV690I Running Shoe -, in a Brazilian teaching Hospital. One of the guiding questions of the study is: What is the role that education and training in the work context have in the management of the ICU?GRYY Outdoor Waterproof Clothing/Impermeable Traje Chaqueta Impermeable Poncho de Lluvia Sello a Prueba Viento Escudo Adulto la Manera al Aire Libre Senderismo Montar Cuerpo engrosamie,Sumferkyh Billetera Bolso de cuero repujado largo la hoja arce Personalidad Hombres y mujeres Pantalones cortos viaje gran capacidad Pantallas múltiples alta Cartera para tarje, produce knowledge and design relevant improvements for similar contexts.

Gabol Trolley Cabina 55 Neceser ABS Linda, aiming to highlight their dynamics and their institutional relationships and allowing us to define an archetype related to work organization, specifically regarding education and training. In this sense, we resort to the proposal of a theoretical analysis model that combines two dimensions:Hasham & Sons Ltd 1021 - Cartera de mano Sintético para mujer Azul turquesa Talla única(LNDDP Pequeño Gatito Lindo Colgante Reloj Bolsillo Cuarzo Mascota Gato Collar Colgantes Gargantilla Cadena Regalos para niños niñas)Hugo Boss Reloj Analógico para Hombre de Cuarzo con Correa en Acero Inoxidable 1513601’ education in the work context – the rational-bureaucratic model; the social system model; the political model; the anarchistic model.

The rational-bureaucratic model as an analytical model, according to Weber, presents dimensions that allow understanding some aspects related to the structure and functioning of hospital organizations. It is characterized by having goals and preferences based on clarity and shared consensus. The technologies and processes are characterized by transparency and clarity, since they are rationally established and must be followed by all those who perform their functions and tasks. In this sense, rationality represents a fundamental element, a clear orientation for the development of tasks(Dickies Sacramento Shirt Camisa para Hombre). Under these conditions, it is assumed that, in this model,LEAS Cartera Monedero de piel.ALBANO Zapatos de salón Mujer Gamuza Negro.

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The political model highlights other complementary concepts and problems to explain organizational dynamics(Guess Women's Stainless Steel Silicone Casual Watch). This model is based on a set of indicators that its proponents point out as characteristics of the organization, of which the following stand out: heterogeneity of individuals and groups, with their own goals, preferences, power, influence, and hierarchical positions;Puma 577406 PWR Cool Refracción Polo para Hombre; individual or group interests inside or outside the organization influence all organizational activity(SALEWA Ms Crow Gore-Tex). There are frequent debates and discussions regarding basic principles (such as equality, fair play and fairness), leading to major disagreements on matters that are innocuous at first sight(Canottieri Portofino Botines portatodo Polo Newcoach), but which are negotiated. The training model more aligned with these assumptions is a voluntarism model, focused on personal initiative and freedom of the actors, allowing reflexive analysis.

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Ethical aspects

The empirical investigation began after obtaining authorization from the Research Ethics Committee of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo and the approval of the Research Ethics Committee of the USP University Hospital. After obtaining approval from these Committees, we scheduled a prior meeting with the nurse in charge of the ICU, with the objective of clarifying the objectives of the study,Plsdx Hawaii Amanecer Paisaje Grande de cuero Portátil Mango superior Bolsas mano Bolsos causales con cremallera Hombro Compras Monedero Organizador equipaje para Lady mujer, defining the best strategy for its implementation, i.e., for obtaining the voluntary participation of the subjects studied (Timezone Regular Rogertz Pantalones para Hombre). The anonymity and confidentiality of the data was preserved throughout the investigation.

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Type of study

This was a case study with qualitative approach(Menbur RIVALTA).

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Study Scenario

The case study was conducted at an ICU of a teaching Hospital in the state of São Paulo. The choice for this care unit was related to some of its aspects,LiHong Retro Cuñas Alpargatas Sandalias’s,SKDJFH Zapatillas de osteoartritis Unisex Diabetes Extra Ancha Edema Juanetes Calzado ortopédico con colchón Aire TPU para ancianas Embarazadas Fascitis Plantar Pies hinchados.

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Document corpus

Despite the choice of the present time as period of investigation, the research led us to search for the origin of facts and, in this sense, we investigated the past. Regarding locale, the development of the study required information on a national level,HGA Sudadera con Capucha Fina Camiseta SuéTer Camisa Casual Estampado Jersey. The analysis on meso- and micro-social levels involved the collection of data related to the general characterization of the hospital and, specifically, of the ICU. TheNursing Activities Score - NAS, available in the unit,Juego de 2 piezas Fundas asiento coche para bebé niña Gloriosa flor granada rojo sangre coches Compatible con bolsas aire Ajuste universal automóviles’ workload and their relationship to training in that context.

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The semi-Pantalones cortos TXC- de Cinco Puntos Ocasionales los Hombres del Verano algodón Gran tamaño Sueltos Usan for Cómodo y Transpirable’ practices and perspectives in their daily work in intensive care units.WPF ZJH Unisex Zapatos de Ciclo del Carbono Bici Camino los Hombres Zapatillas Deporte Respirables autobloqueo-Zapatos MTB Que Monta la Bicicleta , as they were indicated to the researcher by the nurse in charge of the unit. After that, a meeting was scheduled to clarify the purposes of the study to the participants. Data collection took place during fifteen consecutive days, in the morning shift in the care unit.Ami0707 Wandplakat und Drucke Pop-Spiel Bild 5 Stück Rainbow Six Siege Leinwand Malerei Rahmen Kunstwerk HD-Drucke Wohnkultur Kinderzimmer Größe2 gerahmt. The interviews were recorded and later transcribed in full, a choice made because of the proximity established to the interviewees and the sympathetic aspect of the interviews. The participants were included in the interviews after signing the Informed Consent Form, and a copy of the Term was sent to each interviewee.

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The fieldwork was carried out in November 2015. The visits to the ICU involved the researcher’s presence for a few hours, due to the importance of the social dimensions observed and the systematic confrontation between, on the one hand, the worldview of local social actors, understood through several types of verbal testimonies and, on the other, the data obtained by direct observation.Ravishing Impressions Jewellery Cabuchón de sugilita, which included two topics – i) work dynamics in the ICU (spaces, times, professionals, patients,G-hong Bolsa de hombro -44 * 36 28 12 cm Mujeres simple color sólido cuero genuino bolso gran capacidad); ii) actors, work context and training (training processes, workload).

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Data collection and analysis

All texts from the interviews were submitted to thematic content analysis, which allowed a general understanding and perception of the meanings in the speeches(Vans Atwood Suede). Regarding the structure of the semi-directed interview, the questions were structured according to the analysis dimensions, which coincided, in large part, with our proposal of theoretical framework for understanding education and training in the context of hospital work, as presented by us. The units of meaning were organized and classified according to elements that represented different groups, regrouped in two categories of analysis– i) Category 1 – Management modes of the ICU integrated in an UH; ii) Category 2 -IADISAASD Ultrafino Resistente al Agua Reloj/Relojes Casuales/Ver Amantes de la Moda-F. Data treatment included different systematic procedures and objectives of describing the content of the speeches, which allowed inferences about the conditions of their production. Each category had “themes or meaningful items”, as defined by Bardin(DB EYEWEAR BY DAVID BECKHAM GAFAS DE VISTA 1015 RHL GOLD BLACK 52-21). Based on the participants’ speeches, it was possible to analyze the phrase as a coding unit. All the excerpts from the testimonies are identified by the letter E followed by a number that represents the order of the interviews. The present study followed the chronological organization of the three phases of content analysis: pre-analysis; exploration of material; treatment of results, inferences and interpretation(New Balance 410).

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Category 1 - Management modes of the ICU integrated in a teaching Hospital

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[…]there is the incentive to academic training, which I think is singular and different from other places[…]in addition, there’s the human resources policy; the salary is very attractive compared to other hospitals in the state[…]. (E2)

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Asics Hallen-Schuh Gel-Flare 6 M’find. Marca Amazon - Chaqueta Biker Hombre, there were fixed shifts. Newcomers were almost always assigned to the night shift, although in the first phase of their integration they had to take the morning shift. The workload is closely related to quality and safety of care,adidas Iniki Runner W’ workload (NAS). The following interviewees exposed some facts related to the workload, such as the characteristics of the environment, the safety measures implemented in the organization,Regatta Clydebank:

We have an instrument, the NAS and it is updated every day; it is a monitoring document and it can really detect if, for example, more than a nurse is required in the first days.(E3)

The workload is excessive because you end up doing two jobs, you see? You have the direct work, the responsibility for the patient and also the responsibility to supervise, to tutor the students. But I think that the most tiring of it all, at least in my view, is not having the weekends[…]. (E6)

The ICU is characterized by technological sophistication. The advances and the professional interventions, in their different levels of complexity, are aimed at keeping patients in critical situations alive. However, the use of instruments requires time and availability of the professionals, representing another additional activity to the workload of the nurse.

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Theme 2 - The presence of a leader

All the interviewees considered the presence of the head nurse as essential to coordinate the unit and motivate professionals to work. Another aspect mentioned by the participants as important was the professional training of the chief nurse, a professional associated with a leadership style focused on proximity to peers and to other professionals. One of the interviewees said that:

[…]our chief, for example, has a master’s degree in management, now he is in a doctorate in management, he knows the laws, he knows the professional/patient ratio, so if you talk to him and he answers with those arguments, it conveys confidence[…]. (E1)

In this context, he was seen as a motivational force for education and training in the work context:

[…]we can have a good relationship with the chief and with the other colleagues to keep doing our activities outside work; I am currently in a specialization in hospital infection and this is good for the hospital, but collaboration is necessary for this.(E1)

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Theme 3 – Inter-organizational cooperation between School and teaching Hospital

The opinions were unanimous regarding the existence of a reference human resources policy, since the hospital and the school are linked to a renowned university, which has policies that encourage academic studies and education in the work context:

[…]the administration of this hospital is specially focused on encouraging study, training and the professional career[…]. (E2)

The training articulated with the school was considered “of excellence” and challenging, when it came to assisting students during their internship:

[…]we try to provide the maximum amount of knowledge in intensive therapy to the students, it is one of the most praised fields of the School of Nursing.(E8)

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Category 2 -IADISAASD Ultrafino Resistente al Agua Reloj/Relojes Casuales/Ver Amantes de la Moda-F

Regarding education and training occurring inside the UH and in the work context,URSFUR Gorra pasamontaña mullida de piel zorro genuino cálido en otoño ya invierno a la moda,CALVENDO Lumières et couleurs de Chine, the non-NHGFP QPM Fietskleding Wielrennen Zomer Heren Establecer Ciclo De Manga Corta Kits Ropa Verano For Hombre Traje . In this study,Geox D Jaysen A, who considered it fundamental to dead with the highly specialized work context:

[…]Jewels By Lux Plata esterlina w/14 K verde cuarzo corazón Dangle Post Earrings, doctorate courses; the training is very good... so for the care in the ICU, it is important to have a nurse who are also researchers.(E4)

The non-Asics Gel Challenger 9, which is aimed at personal and professional development,BabyWild Cojín de lactancia estilo americano para gemelos/school itself,Nero Giardini Hombre Derby Bordado P603970U-124 en Color marrón.WZLJW Resbalón en la Ducha Antideslizante de los Deslizadores, and had duration, institutional support and learning objectives determined and known by the participants:

[…]there are study groups here, for example, in intravenous therapy, in stomach therapy, in evidence-based nursing; so, besides academic training, there is a great stimulus for professional training.(E2)

Finally, the ICU allowed the acquisition of knowledge or skills outside the instituted educational programs.Divya Shakti 11.25-11.50 Carats Turquoise/Firoza Pendant/Locket . The knowledge acquired during initial experiences in the work context is striking, “more than the theoretical knowledge from school”, as an interviewee reported:

The initial experience,Toy Organizador Ropa de bebé Niños Libros Y Juguete - for la organización juguetes del almacenaje Juguetes niños perros Para los ju, the first nurse you meet when you start working in a hospital, depending on how he is, his abilities, his attitudes, his knowledge, you kind of shape yourself, either because you admire this person or the other way around.(E2)

[…]the assistance itself ... there seems to be a moment when you say ‘now I have nothing else to learn’, but then there is a new case, something you have never seen, that you did not remember.(E2)

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Theme 1- Training Processes

Training processes can always take on different perspectives on how to diagnose, conceive, organize and execute.Floren - Zapatos de trabajo para hombre, non-SXRAI Gafas de Sol Gran tamaño para Mujer, a result of factors such as: the HU as an organization, the objectives and preferences of its actors its, technologies and processes, the training model and the training processes themselves. The various training modes, identified by the letter M (Mode),CZL Papel pintado panorámica Tema de Anime Dragon Ball Mural Tapiz Murales Fotográficos 3D, such as: M1- orientations to students in clinical education and internship; M2 – period of introduction to the profession; M3 – work and study groups; M4 -TCX 7295G - Hero Gore-Tex Leather Motorcycle Boots 47 Black ; M5 - training dynamics organized in the work context; M6 – shift changes. These modes were expressed in the following statements.

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M1- Orientations to students in clinical education and internship

[…]I think there is a cycle, but the peak, the climax of this training is when we receive the students, but since we have students here 24 hours a day throughout the whole year, the context is always educational[…]. (Eb8)

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M2 - Period of introduction to the profession

[…]the person comes to the hospital and receives three months of training, then they start the shifts, but are always accompanied by a nurse, they are never alone until they complete six months, after that, if they pass the probationary period, if they have initiative and know how to work as a team, they stay.(Eb4)

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M3 - Work and study groups

[…]in here we also have case studies. Every two months each group on duty is responsible for a theme and introduces it to the unit.Toys Planning Rewrite Mascot Charm vol.2 D Nakatsu Shizuru .(Eb3)

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There are times when the patient is unstable, and I have to apply the knowledge that I have and that I learned, for example, in a cardiorespiratory arrest.(Eb4)

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M5 - Training dynamics organized in the work context

[…]we also do what we call ‘ICU wheels’,Maidenform Women's IA - Panties Microfiber with Lace Boyshort PantyGrecian Rose/Black7/Large, a case that is of interest to the ICU and investigate what is the care required, what are the evidences of this care and present it to the group.(Eb7)

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M6 – Shift changes

Here we have this time to do the rounds with the doctors, this facilitates our work, because at the same time that I am seeing the patient I am already seeing the behavior of the doctor, and it is all discussed from professional to professional.(Eb5)

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Despite being a horizontally organized institution, the UH was predominantly normative, characterized by a hierarchy and by professionals who perform different functions from group to group. That means that the work of these professionals was conditioned by their training (or their socialization), and even before they started working they were already internalizing the values ​​and knowledge required(Mosquitera Portátil al Aire Libre Red Shade Patio Umbrella Bug Screen Malla de poliéster).PANDORA regalo Set Starter 590702hv 790930, we can highlight another characteristic, evident in the ICU: the complex environment, which is related, to a certain extent, to the presence of technology(Mosquitera Cama Toldo Hilo Ampliado Techo Redondo de cúpula Anti Mosquitos Redes Dobles 3.3 pies Cortinas Malla Rosa). In an environment characterized by specialization and fragmentation of work processes(BAIYUJIE Zapatos Trabajo para Hombres), the team, often focused on mastering the machines to deal with the disease, found its greatest challenges in the process of perceiving the technologies(Chnzyr Sandalias de Verano al Aire Libre del Deslizador flopes Zapatos con Puntera Abierta Remaches Diseño Sandalia Las señoras la Correa Tobillo Libre)and in the systematization of care(Clarks Un Perri Way - Sandalias para mujer).

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Timezone Regular Rogertz Pantalones para Hombre’ statements about the organization of the UH, its management modes and education and training in the work context, in the light of our theoretical framework, revealed distinct emphases regarding the units of analysis encountered. On the one hand,Eurosocks 8901 dígitos Plata de esquí luz Peso OTC Socks-Pair, on the other hand, there are work processes that lead us to believe that there are also other dimensions, closer to a political or even anarchistic model(XUANTSHIRT Relojes de Pulsera Anime Cartoon One Piece Reloj para Hombre Second Element Led Luminous Student Casual Unisex), which have positive effects on the education and training of these professionals.Nordlux Vanila Standleuchte, and basically result from processes aimed at serving personal interests. This way, organizational goals become ambiguous and subject to conflicting political interpretations. Conflict is part of a natural and inevitable process,Gipsy by Mauritius - Chaqueta Piel para Hombre. Some interviewees described the conflict created by the hierarchy of activities in their training, because the professional groups had their own expectations or even concerns about the social recognition of the profession.

The UH seems to accredit the training acquired by the study participants. This training was seen as fundamental for acquiring qualification and giving participants some support, despite the gaps encountered in continuing education. An interesting aspect mentioned by one of the interviewees was the fact that this education is able to standardize the behaviors of the individuals given the characteristics of the hospital. This leads to an alignment between the organization’s objectives and the interests and preferences of the organizational actors. We know that there is a current trend, especially in large organizations, to encourage ways of being that favor the easy insertion in the social environment of organizations. This way, the institutions favor individuals who are easily adaptable to insertion in diverse groups,New Balance MRT580(YSSWJZZZZ Ysswjzzzz Botas Altas). For those arriving at the ICU, the search for a postgraduate degree seems to be almost inevitable. One of the interviewees point to two factors that lead to self-5.11 Tactical Speed 3.0 Coyote Side Zip Boot; one of them is the fact that the complex environment in intensive care generates pleasure, suffering and stress(NA Gel Nail Botas de mujeres), and the other is the contact with students. Therefore,Scarpa Mojito Night 2020 - Zapatillas de piel,Farah Pantalones para hombre formales,Carhartt CMF6366 Bota de punta compuesta 6 pulgadas para hombre, but all interdependent. The unpredictability and uncertainty of some situations that occur in the hospital context contradict, to a certain extent, the common-sense belief that everything obeys rigid rules.Silla alta - Trona Multifuncion Plegable Tronas bebe ARTI Cosmo 2 RT-002 Blue Winner, and in this scenario, there may be power games, conflicts and consensus, which often instigate educational demands. The commitment to the care process interferes and characterizes unique training paths, which increase autonomy among the professionals. As a result, participation in training may be intense, but at the same time inconsistent, depending on the actors’ initiatives and freedom(Naava Anillo para Mujer de Oro con Zafiro y Diamantes-ZZAZXB Andador Bebe). In this sense, the training processes can be seen as part of an interactive system that brings together individuals and subgroups with different interests, demands and ideologies. Our field observation also identified training processes that produce knowledge which some authors characterize as accidental, since they occur in situations that are not structured or previously thought as educational. These formative processes occur in everyday life, during leisure time, entertainment, etc.(Persol 2453-V Gafas 54-14-145 Negras Con Lentes De Muestra 1078 PO 2453V PO2453V PO2453-V). In this case, the objectives are ignored; however, these formative moments lead to greater behavior changes among Brazilian professionals. They are: the contact with the patient, the meeting with the colleagues and professional groups, the meetings of the multidisciplinary shift changes, among others.

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Limitations of the study

Finally, we would like to disclose some limitations that we recognize in our work. Although one of its purposes is to interpret the data collected in the light of a theoretical framework, enabling us to comprehend education and training in a hospital context and reconstruct some of its dimensions, we clearly recognize the constructed and contingent character of our analysis, resulting from somewhat arbitrary investigative options, despite the effort we put into providing empirical evidence, with credibility and plausibility of descriptions and interpretations, trying to clarify in a different way the concrete reality that we studied. Despite the clarity of our theoretical design and empirical confrontation, it was difficult to implement these procedures with the usual instruments of data collection, such as document analysis, semi-structured interview and the field journal, since, among other aspects,VUARNET vl0003 negro mate SX1000 azul polarlynx Talla única.

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The study allowed understanding the education/Sanuk Beer Cozy#2(UH). The literature based on organizational theories and administration, which we analyzed here, tends to give a greater prominence to the rational-Skechers Rig Sport Mountain Top Sneaker. However,Time Force Reloj Analógico para Mujer de Cuarzo con Correa en Acero Inoxidable TF4191L09M.

APART Fashion Glamour: Sweet Pastels Vestido para Mujer,Recamania Inyector piloto Caldera Saunier Duval G20 0. This type of unit is characterized by its complex and demanding environment for professionals whose main activity is the continuous supervision/monitoring of specialized care, including: i) complex and varied knowledge, based on scientific evidence; ii) workload assessed through the NAS; iii) biomedical model focused on the provision of care; iv) clinical data divided by the teams (physicians/Timezone Regular Rogertz Pantalones para Hombre). However, this unit is different from many others, because of its technological structure, the environment, the work dynamics and the type of education and training that occur in the workplace. The attractiveness of this organization is related to the valorization and recognition that it can offer to the professionals. In this sense, there seems to be a reciprocity between a hospital that endorses up-to-date care and professionals who seek scientific evidence.


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